About Us

Mission Statement
At Choice PharmD, our mission is to empower healthcare providers with expert therapeutic guidance for interpreting molecular diagnostic tests. We are dedicated to advancing antimicrobial stewardship, promoting effective therapies, and improving patient outcomes by bridging molecular diagnostics with clinical expertise.
We aim to complete reports efficiently, providing treatment considerations to providers and therefore patient care in a timely manner. LIS integrations streamline workflow and allow for quick turnaround times (TAT) for results.
Each of our reports are reviewed by a trained pharmacist, which details medications that provide antimicrobial coverage for specific detected pathogens, making samples with multiple detected pathogens and resistance genes simpler to navigate and determine treatment for providers.
Therapeutic Guidance

Our treatment considerations for medication selection, dosages, and durations are based on clinical practice guidelines (i.e. IDSA, CDC, etc.) as well as primary literature.
Antimicrobial resistance is a growing concern. Therefore, judicious selection of antimicrobials is crucial for patient-centered care and optimizing outcomes. Our pharmacists specialize in clinical interpretation of resistance gene data, utilizing most recent published literature to help guide choice of antimicrobials.
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria and fungi become resistant to the drugs designed to eliminate them, posing a critical global health threat. Therefore, improving antibiotic use through antimicrobial stewardship is essential for patient safety and combating antimicrobial resistance.

Each year, over 2.8 million infections in the United States are linked to antimicrobial resistance, leading to more than 35,000 deaths annually.
Treatments related to antimicrobial resistance threats have resulted in over $4.6 billion in annual healthcare costs.
Efforts for prevention, infection control, and improving appropriate antimicrobial use have shown to reduce deaths due to antimicrobial resistance.
How It Works
We integrate with your Laboratory Information System (LIS) to ensure fast, seamless, and accurate data transmission, enabling the efficient completion of PharmD reporting.

Sample Processed
Sample specimen is collected from presumed source of infection and shipped to appropriate lab.
Lab runs sample via PCR technology for detection of pathogens and resistance genes. Results are transmitted to Choice PharmD via an HL7 interface.
Pharmacist Review
Detected pathogens and resistance genes are carefully evaluated by a trained pharmacist to provide a report with evidence-based treatment considerations.
Report Transmission
Completed PharmD reports are sent back to the LIS via SFTP and are merged with laboratory report.
Provider reviews Choice PharmD report along with lab results and selects drug therapy most appropriate for the patient.